Through minimal interventions in visual systems, Esther Stocker brings about irritations and aberrations from the norm, thus also provoking a process of adjustment in the observer’s own identity. For these shifts, Stocker has chosen the motif of the grid. She has resorted to just such a geometricised sign system to design objects as classification systems that resist, by introducing optical paradoxes, a clear definition. Black planes turn out to be spacious drawers, usable from both sides, while a white table top appears to reach out beyond the black substructure.
TISCH, 2009 / wood, steel / 168,5x86,5x75 cm / workmanship: cabinetmaker's workshop Peter Holzer, Schwaz; locksmithery Dietmar Winkler, Jenbach
RAUMTEILER, 2009 / varnished beechwood / 242,5x35x184 cm / workmanship: cabinetmaker's workshop Peter Holzer, Schwaz